Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. We are passionate and committed to ensuring that all children engage in and enjoy the subject of mathematics. Lessons are inspirational and relevant, enabling children to succeed in making and using those vital links between mathematics and everyday life.
The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in mathematics lessons. Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics. We do this through a daily lesson that has a high proportion of whole-class and group teaching, where possible, making links across the curriculum. During these lessons we encourage the pupils to question as well as solve mathematical problems. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources ranging from practical apparatus and ICT to support their work and enhance their learning.
Our resources for mathematics are used throughout the key stages. Some examples include MyMaths (an online resource that children can access at home too) and Numicon, a maths teaching programme that uses a series of structured images to represent numbers which children enjoy using as it plays to their strong sense of pattern.
Wherever possible, we encourage the children to use and apply their learning in everyday situations; such as role play, shops & cafes, spreadsheets for party planning and weighing, measuring and cooking.
We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies – in some lessons through differentiated group work and in other lessons by organising the children to work in pairs on open-ended problems or games or with appropriate adult support.
All teachers use MyMaths for lessons and to set homework for their classes and maths groups regularly. MyMaths is a fully interactive, online mathematics learning solution for children of all ages and abilities. It helps the children to develop their understanding of mathematics through a variety of engaging activities, games and assessments. MyMaths lessons are clearly laid out and they fit current recommended practice.
We encourage children to talk about their mathematical tasks in order to help foster a sense of engagement and curiosity in mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to question, test and develop mathematical ideas and to reason clearly about their discoveries. Tasks and routines that promote discussion and ideas are incredibly useful in creating a reasoning and sense-making culture.
Maths games are useful for creating a context for developing use of mathematical reasoning and games and investigations are used often within lessons. Children really enjoy participating in talk maths activities and enjoy discussing and listening to other children’s answers and the different ways of finding an answer.
During these maths activities, children have to work together (sometimes with children in different year groups) to overcome some of the challenges which they may face in Mathematics and think about the different strategies they would consider using to overcome these.
This encourages their confidence to grow and as a result improves their skills in Mathematics.
These initiatives and resources include:
ICT (including iPads) are encouraged both during lesson time and at home. Children find these Mathematical apps and programmes engaging and exciting which again, improves their Mathematical knowledge.
Some of the Mathematical apps and programmes include:
01989 770322
Mrs Deloyde
Llangrove CE Academy