Collective Worship

Collective Worship

As a church school we believe passionately that our inclusive and inspiring Collective Worship has a unique role to play in the life of our school.  It provides the opportunity for us come together as a community, whether that be as a class or whole school in order to reflect upon the teachings and traditions of Christianity and our place in the wider world. Furthermore, Collective Worship provides the heartbeat of our school as it allows everyone a chance to reflect on our school’s vision and values.


We hold a daily act of Collective Worship in our school. Whole-school Collective Worship is held on four days of the week, with class-based worship held on the remaining day.

Celebration Worship

On the final Friday of every month, parents and governors are invited into school to share in and reflect upon the children’s accomplishments, both inside and outside of school. 

Open the Book

We are delighted to welcome members from the local community to lead our Open The Book worships. These help bring to life stories and lessons from The Bible, exploring values and lessons that echo our worship value for that half term.

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