Extra Curricular & Community Links

Extra Curricular Clubs

Our extra-curricular clubs, operated by school staff run from 3.15 – 4.15 pm. A variety of different clubs are offered to all children throughout the year. A letter is sent out at the beginning of each half term, providing details of these clubs which in the past have included:

  • Eco art
  • Chess
  • Singing
  • Tennis
  • Cricket
  • Golf
  • Athletics
  • Football

Links with the Community

The school continues to maintain strong links with the local community and the school is also available for lettings to groups within the community.

The children are actively involved in fund-raising for the wider community; examples of charities supported are Macmillan Cancer Care, Poppy Appeal, Children in Need, Red Nose Day and Save the Children.  Each year the school council and children vote for a charity of their choice.  These have included the Marine Conservation Society, a local horse rescue charity and this year we are raising money for Toilet Twinning.

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