On Thursday year 6 children  spent the day at Holmer Academy meeting members of other faith communities, learning about their beliefs, festivals
and rituals. The children were able to explore the differences and similarities between the major faiths and to consider the commitments of the faith leaders impact on their daily lives. The purpose of the day was to enrich RE studies by giving the pupils first hand experiences as well as further develop their open-mindedness and religious tolerance and understanding.
‘When we were with Bharti we used coloured sand to make rangoli patterns – it was great fun and very enjoyable.’ Grace
‘We first saw Butta and he is a Sikh. He was telling us all about Sikhism and we did a roleplay which was fun.’ Xena
‘After break we went to Razwan Ul-Haq (but he likes to be called Raz). He told us about the 5 pillars of Islam and we tried writing Allah in Arabic’ Bella